kindLine Familienzentrum

Einzigartig im Kanton Zug

kindLine Family centre

Check out our kindLine Offers

We also had some offers from our extern subtenants. Please check them out "Angebote der Untermieter" - not translated in English!

kindLine family centre is a society in Unterägeri / Zug offering a great range of events and space to enjoy time as a family.

Get involved

We are always looking for new ideas for our weekly program. At the moment most of our program is in German, but perhaps there are some people in the English speaking community who would be interested in offering some events in English?

Our rooms can be rented for private occasions or to offer a course, class or lecture for others. Please contact us if you are interested in helping us make our program even more interesting and varied.

We are also always looking for people to help in the childcare centre on a regular Basisc
